Kenzie and I have just had so much fun this summer! We went to trial after trial, getting better and better at figuring out the whole camping thing, staying calm while at the trial, revving up before running, etc. Our last trial of the summer was in Medford, and boy did we have a great time! We got to see old friends that we used to train with when we lived there, and camp in their nice facility there. My husband was even along for the ride, so that was the icing on the cake! We did very well that weekend. Kenzie moved into Excellent in Jumpers, after placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd the entire weekend. I think we missed one Q, but that was mommies fault : / She also did very well in Standard. We would have Q'd every run and been close to the top every time if not for weave faults! She started doing some weird things with the weaves in that ring, popping out, but worked though it by the end of the trial so that we did get one strong Q. The best news is that she was 100% ON CONTACTS, and FAST!!!!! She was the fastest she has been do date. Since this was our last trial, we will see if that was just a fluke, or her new speed while trailing! We took a pretty big break from trialing after that, because we were just too busy after that moving, and traveling.