We are currently closed for the months Jan-May, but we will be open again in June, and hope to hear from you then! (You can learn more by going to the "About the trainer" page).

Click HEREto fill out our dog training application.


Puppy Play and Learn

Held every Saturday at 10am, starting November 6th!

This is a time for friendly puppies under 7 months to play in a safe environment, learning how to communicate with other dogs, while also learning to listen to mom/dad when around other dogs. Pups need to have had at least two puppy shots at least one week prior to coming to first class. Proof of vaccination will be needed for all first time puppies.



We will be covering:




Walk with me

Leave it


Meet Strangers Calmly


Running Time: A 45 min class once a week for 5  weeks

Class Price: $60 (plus $45 per other dog in same household in same class).
Where: Schroeder Park, Grants Pass

 Topics covered

            Sit, Down, Stay, Leave-it, Come, Heel, Get back (from me, him, her), Enough: Stop Barking when I say so, Stop Whining when I say so, Stop Playing when I say so, etc.

Weekly lessons on learning how to read your dog's body language

We will also cover behavioral problems on an as-needed basis, such as potty training, chewing, jumping, barking, aggression, and more.

Mandy Dogs


Dog Training


Good Owner, GREAT Dogs


We want to show you how to reach your dogs true potential.


The OWNER Trainer


Help! My owner needs training! -Fido


Doggin it






on main page


I know what is is like when you either:

Live out in the country where it is hard to get to town on a regular basis


You do live in town, but you cannot find a POSITIVE FIRST dog trainer in your city.  

This is why I have started a dog training program where I can help you through your dog training issues NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE!!!*

Click HEREto learn more about online dog training.
 He's Positively Trained is located in Grants Pass OR and all classes are taught by Amanda Beasley Miller.